We officially have back garden chickens, and I could not be more ecstatic. Meet Edwina, princess Leia, and the our one who is proving difficult to name. :) They are point of lay pullets we got from a local farm. They are 18-19 weeks old and nearly ready to start laying. Edwina is a Speckledy, princess Leia is a Silver Sussex , and my un-named lady is a Rhode Rock. They are all beautiful birds, and we are very happy to welcome them to the gang. They are all hybrid hens that are better at producing eggs than pure breeds. Did I mention yet how exited I am! Today is there first day here with us. We left them to get settled in after clipping their wings. Then we got on with some other garden tasks in the lovely sunshine we had today. I painted Thumper.s (our lop-eared Rabbits) hutch with some wood protector and gave it a good yearly scrubbing, while he played on the grass. He has had to sleep inside while it drys, and until its all ready for him to go back in. We then ventured to the farm to collect some wood ready for the bigger chicken run to give them a much larger walk-in run to enjoy. I am looking forward to their poop. Yep that's right poop, for the compost I have heard it is wonderful. I am obviously also really looking forward to that first little egg! Millie was very, very, very exited by the chickens and will need 100% attention when she is near them as she cannot control herself around birds. She seems to have a very high pray drive, but I am hoping she'll catch rats not chickens. Will Keep you posted on that first egg...just in time for easter!
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