Aren't these pictures sweet?! My little boys having a little tea
and biscuits snack after school. This was a one off. There aren’t enough hours
in the week to bake everyday, to play perfect families. It’s just not
realistic. Some days I don’t do anything! The worst thing is when I feel bad
for being defeated. This is something that I have been steadily improving.
I had a lazyish morning this morning. Luke was happily
getting ready for school and so I went and enjoyed a cup of tea. Came back to
make sure he was ready to go and he was still in the bath which he had filled
to the very brim with more bubbles than a Willy Wonka fizzy lifting drink! This
is when I put my face in my palm and take a deep breath. Right….. quickly pull
out the plug!
At this point there is only about 15 mins till we need to
leave the house. Pull this bubbly hot mess out of the bath and tell him to get
dressed as fast as he can. Run downstairs to the breakfast waiting at the table
for him and pour the milk, at which point I shout “if you’re not quick your
having soggy shredded wheat”. To be fair he was very quick, thank goodness. Breakfast
done and there’s a mad dash to the door for shoes and coat and away we go. The
school is about 2 miles up the road, and its pouring with rain. So, we are
Drag this little poppet out the car, hand him a book bag and
PE bag, his jacket was half on and he was holding some toast and a letter for
the teacher. We ran up the hill to the school gates all the while luke’s
giggling away about some game he plays on school days. We get to the gate, and
I tell him to shove the toast in his mouth and get in class, as I hear the bell
ring in the distance. With a huge full mouth of toast, I try to wipe the crumbs
off his shirt, tell him “oh, it doesn’t matter about the crumbs, you only live
once.” Gave that little pickle a big
toasty kiss and watched him waltz off to the class room.
Some days we are up and ready with time to spare, but some
days we aren’t and you know what that’s life. That’s okay. I am happy with
that. So long as we are happy and doing the best we can do then, hot mess days
are fine.

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