Been a little hectic/lazy the past month! I've started selling Avon again (check out my website www.sarahcouling.co.uk) so other things have slipped a bit. Need to get a good balance of things, and keep on top of it. Anyway here we.
Bath and West Show this year was wonderful. The best weekend we've had as a family in ages. What a great day it was. We haven't been since Luke was born. The weather was scrummie. Sunny and Warm. We had a fab time looking at all the stalls. Luke loved the steam train ride. Alexander loved the Army section and the imagination area with the bloodhound. My favorite was the livestock and the food. It's so awesome to see all those massive animals. The bulls were Gigantic. Luke was terrified of the pigs. We all enjoyed feeding the goats. (Thanks Meg.) Can't wait till next year to do it all again.

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