These are brothers. Brothers with their silly faces. So similar, yet so unique. I love them to bits. We had a lovely sunny Tuesday. I got the boys playing outside. Well it wasn't difficult they would live outside if they could. Alexander love's being outdoors and even when he doesn't want to I try and get him out if the weather is nice. They are funny ages to play together really. But when I get a bucket of water out they could play together for hours. As soon as the water ran out Luke soon had his way of telling me. Screaming. Loving this warm spring weather. We are back to rain now, but it's still warm. Looking forward to more outdoor time.
Been doing a lot more baking. I've also been thinking of getting my store back up and running. Obviously, not much more than thinking yet. Got some new ideas and concepts swimming round in my head. However, there is lots going on in our lives at the moment so who knows when I will get round to it!

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