Christmas this year was peaceful and relaxing. I wrapped all my gifts in recycled brown paper and decorated the house with pine cones and cinnamon sticks. When there are so many natural items to decorate with, it seems silly that we would buy plastic to fill our homes and landfills. I also LOVE Amazon's gift wrapping. They now gift wrap in these adorable, reusable fabric bags. They started doing this last year and I (obviously) kept them to reuse this year. Not only do they make wrapping gifts easier, they look super cute all bundled up under the tree. Another eco friendly win to end the year with.
After the hustle and bustle of Christmas and New Year I decided to clean the WHOLE house. Mad I know. I think that really I was just procrastinating from doing the mountain of school and extra curricular activities that I have to do. Even now, I don't feel ready to face it.
I am looking forward to the new year and I have made a few resolutions. But this year I fully intend to go easy on myself and allow for slip ups. As, you know what? We are all human and we are all enough.
Have a fantastic 2019!

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