The end of the summer holidays is always bitter sweet. Fresh
new school uniforms, alarms set after being off for six weeks, shiny new black
shoes waiting by the door. There is a certain excitement crossed with nervousness
when you start a new school year. This year, in our family, it’s a little more as
Alexander is headed to senior school! I can’t quite believe that he is as old
as he is.
We have had a laid back, relaxing summer hols. Unfortunately,
we were unable to get away for a vacation, but we enjoyed it none the less. The
final main event was the LLanwrst Show. It was reminiscent of the Harvest Home
show that we enjoyed so much in our old village in England. We all had a fabulous
time, but Millie was the star of the show!
We entered Millie into the dog show and she was a smash hit!
First, she won third place as child’s best friend. The boys took her around the
show ring and had to answer questions about her and show how well they could
handle her. As little Mil is so laid back she just took it all in her stride.
Second, I entered her into the best cross breed category and she won first
place! No one had even heard of a Norfapoo! I think that’s part of what makes
her so special. Finally, the manged to win the main prize over all, best in
show. She came away with three big rosettes and a silver cup to display for the
So, as we savour the last weekend of the holidays, we will
look back fondly at the memories we made over the past six weeks. We have been
blessed with an incredibly sunny day today and we intend to make the most of
it. One last swim in the pool, a BBQ and sleeping in the tent in the garden!
We have loads of exciting things coming up in the months
ahead! My family are travelling across the pond to come and stay, I have a mooting
final to take part in, Alexander turns 12, and James graduates University with
a first-class honours degree!

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