Summer Fun & The Big Move!

As the first week of the summer holiday draws to a close, I wonder where it has gone. It has flown past. We have done lots of cleaning and a bit of packing. We have played outside and had a trip to the lake. lots of big things happened this week. I decided it's time to go back to school. So I signed up for university. We had our end of tenancy meeting and today we sign our new lease. I have been on and off the phone all week. So much to do and so many people to call.

 So, yes we are moving. Our flat is getting small and so we are moving to a little house around the corner. Richards sister is moving in with us too. Lots of changes are to come. I can't wait to move but it's all the work that is getting me exhausted. We still have lots of things to sort out before we can even start to move our things. First being there is not flooring. We have to go and choose some nice new carpet and laminate for the house. The oven hook up in the new house is electric and we have gas. We have a lot of stuff and the new house is very cozy. But even with all the little issues I am looking forward to it.

I've decided to go back to school. in today's economy it's hard for us to live with one job. We are comfortable at the moment. However if we intend to buy a house where we want to we need to join forces. I left high school with not much intention to go to school ever again. How silly was I. I miss school a lot. however, if I had not made the choices I did I wouldn't be where I am now. So basically, I don't want to just get a job and hate it. I want to do something I enjoy and feel passionate about. I want to wake up and want to go to work not dread it. I've started off with a couple of business modules, but  considering going into Law. We will see how thing progress. It's a long road but at the end it will be a better smoother road, even though it's bumpy now with a few pot holes.

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